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Establishing Roots

Writer's picture: Sean StantonSean Stanton

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

"We might not have it all together but together we can have it all..." is a statement that has stuck with me my entire adult life. I am unaware of its origins but nonetheless, it has become a major gift in my life, providing so many insights into how we can transform the way we all live. It has become my mission as well as my business, to discover new insights and practices in the movement towards a regenerative future and take part in the active community that is currently carving the path for us all to join. With the teachings of Indigenous Wisdom, Regenerative Soil Science, Permaculture, Holistic Management, and Esoteric Teachings of past and even ancient cultures, we can truly take a look at what is possible as we create new systems, lifestyles, and mindsets that will transform modern culture as we know it. This of course is only possible if we continue to work together and share our findings. To support the mission of Roots & Culture we created a unique social platform for us to learn and interact with each other as we all tap in and create abundance in our own homes and bio-regions or 'Regenerative Food Circle'. In this blog post, I aim to share some of these findings to spark inspiration and invite you to join as I open the gates and flood you all with the enthusiasm and value of what I have received over the last decade.

As I mentioned above, the mission is to dive deep into regenerative practices and cultures to form new insights, recipes, and ways of living to be in right relation to nature and our local bioregions. My intention is to transition from my day job to act as a citizen scientist and explore these new insights and apply them onsite of my family's farm as well as my local bioregion, this is my personal effort to 'Establish Roots' and to assist you in establishing your own as well. There are many fun and creative ways I'd like to engage with you all and demonstrate not only what is possible, but what is simple and achievable for anyone willing to transform their life and those around them. With so much contradicting evidence in every field, I would like this platform to be a safe space for us to share our findings and put them to the test. How and what we eat and where we source it from, is a great start for us to tap into the greater knowledge that is all around us. Food production is ubiquitously the most attainable solution to most if not all our problems with our modern cultures.

"All the problems in the world can be solved in a garden..." - Geoff Lawton

There is a massive amount of hype around food right now, whether it is the poisons in the food, food shortages, permaculture, backyard gardening, alkaline, carnivore, or keto diets, the list goes on. A simple Google search on any of these diet types or subjects will lead you down an unending rabbit hole of contradicting and limiting information that makes it almost impossible to know what is right or wrong for you and your family. Many individuals and organizations are out there selling you what works for them and claiming that this is the solution for everything and everybody. The interesting thing is that they all seem to work, so what is the common denominator? Fear. Although it might be well intended, most honest missions are tied to an agenda to scare you into their product, service, or belief. Whether it is a plant-based or carnivore diet, organic or regenerative, I believe healing comes from the new updates to our microbiome when we interact with new environments and movements, change our relationship to food and gain a sense of well-being, and essentially create a regenerative bio-feedback loop (more on this to come!). You can witness the changes and increase of beauty and vitality of any well-managed or cared-for natural system or living being when implemented with regenerative practices and holistic design. This has been demonstrated and proven all around the world. With new testing methods and tools, we can actually look to see how these practices affect our soils and bodies, with the goal of achieving optimal health in addition to the health of insects, plants, and animals. Therefore, if we can form, observe, and report on the cultures in our gardens, pastures, forests, watersheds, and beyond, we can rewrite the story of humanity from one that is degenerative and fear-based to one that is regenerative and empowerment-based. It will be this exchange of knowledge and information that will form pathways that lead to lasting change and will continuously adapt into gifts for the future. Reciprocity is built into all regenerative cultures, as a major pattern in nature, in that all plants, animals, and fungi take care of themselves while simultaneously taking care of the whole, as well as utilize the gifts that the whole provides. We can form our lifestyles, gardens, homes, and businesses with this underlying pattern of reciprocity and holistic understanding so that we can continuously grow and create into the future with a sense of total support and well-being. Imagine what our children will gain from this type of communal support.

The gifts we share are what allow us to tap deeper and deeper into the knowledge around us and gain greater and greater pattern literacy. The more insights and recipes we come up with and share, the more we grow as a whole and find more support than we ever knew was possible. I have seen it, a lateral-based movement and communication that leads to extremely potent opportunities for growth and healing. The only condition is that we stay open so that we may receive. This is what feeds us into the future and allows us to sustain the growth. Otherwise, if we close ourselves to the natural patterns of life we begin to calcify and lose faith. It is this experience of lateral discussion and support that has inspired me to step up and serve where I can and create as much impact as possible. Just like how in nature life shows up where it's needed, support shows up where it can feed it.

In my effort to 'Establish Roots' I aim to build a community of support that allows me to work full time in applying all that I have learned in the last decade of building farms, developing community spaces, growing food, and facilitating learning experiences to show you all what can be done in any geographical or dietary context. I will be tapping into the greater knowledge that is all around me, my family, my garden, the local and bioregional community, and of course this online community and creating engaging ways to celebrate and reveal the gifts of this culture. In addition to this blog space, I will be creating and sharing videos of the work on our family homestead as a way to introduce you to this regenerative culture that many of us are working on. In order to support my efforts I have created an online social platform and community that meets weekly for a LIVE Q&A and open discussion. Our supporting members will fund the creation of our introductory courses, a plant-based cooking show, a docuseries on local regenerative success stories, the transformation and documentation of our family homestead, and eventually an annual and bioregional music and arts festival. Not only will this allow me to be a facilitator in this movement, but I will also be able to finish writing my book as a contribution towards the collective effort to spread this culture. It is an absolute joy for me to finally share this with you all. I have worked on this for many years now and have never felt more aligned and connected to my mission.

For those who are reading this, everything on the website is ready for launch. You may sign up for the newsletter to find out when the official launch date for the book will be or you may support us now with the monthly contribution or lifetime access. I am going to do all that I can to build momentum with this and I can use all the support that is available. I am so excited and so grateful to be able to share this with you all and I look forward to us all taking part in this mission to create an abundant and regenerative future. Please share with your friends and family and let's get together to have discussions on what is possible and what is proven in our actions and observations. Let us all Establish Roots, Create Abundance, and Spread Culture. Thank you for reading!

Click Here to Become a Supporting Member and meet with our online community weekly for a LIVE Q&A and Open Discussion in a safe space to have lateral exchange of knowledge and information. Once we gain enough funding you will also gain access to much more exclusive content and even some introductory courses. We are grateful for all the support!

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